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How I Teach Life Scientists…

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A new professional development talk series for LifeSciTrainers

“How I Teach Life Scientists…” is an invitation for anyone delivering professional development to life scientists and educators to share their curriculum, tips, technologies, and approaches. To participate, develop and deliver a short talk (10–15-minute) and/or a demo (up to 45 min) on the topic(s) you wish to share. An accompanying mini-blog post will publish your abstract sharing a description and links to any materials (these materials can be collected into an archive for citable DOI issued by Zenodo). The talk will be scheduled for one of the monthly LifeSciTrainer’s community calls. Recordings will be posted to the LifeSciTrainers YouTube channel so that anyone can benefit. The goal is to share what’s worked for you and your learners and make it possible for others who deliver professional development to benefit from your knowledge.

What could I deliver a talk on?

Almost anything you feel is relevant to professional development. We hope you will “fill in the blanks” on a variety of topics, for example:

Remember it’s how you approach this topic. It can be relevant, personal, and without claim that what you are sharing is the best way or the only way.

What’s the format?

  1. Prepare a talk (10-15 minutes) on your topic. If you wish to provide a demo (e.g., of a tool or an approach “in action”) of up to an additional 30 minutes – 45 minutes max.
  2. Your talk should have specific objectives/take home messages that the audience could act on to improve their work. For example, the message “I love using Jupyter Notebooks” is great, but not very actionable. Showing how you set some parameters to make them easier to use for learners with visual impairments is something an audience could use.
  3. Your talk can be live or pre-recorded. If your talk will be recorded, we’d appreciate if you can be present at a community call to take questions. A mini blog post will be created from your form, and you could also manage questions there or on Slack.  Making these exchanges as public as possible helps others with similar questions.

Complete this form to deliver a talk! (Google Form)

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